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Spectrum Auctions Begin Tomorrow: Here is All You Need to Know

Spectrum Auctions Begin Tomorrow: Here is All You Need to Know Bidding for the sixth round of spectrum auction for radiowaves wo...

Spectrum Auctions Begin Tomorrow: Here is All You Need to Know
Bidding for the sixth round of spectrum auction for radiowaves worth Rs 3.92 lakh crore will start from Monday, a notice issued by the government said earlier. The Union Cabinet had approved a proposal for the auction of 2,251.25 Megahertz (MHz) of spectrum worth Rs 3.92 lakh crore at the base price on December 17, 2020.

Airwaves for sale: 2,251 MHz

◐ Spectrums for sale: 700 MHz, 800Mhz, 900 Mhz, 2100 Mhz, 2300 Mhz and 2500 MHz
Government’s valuation for the airwaves up for sale is Rs 3.92 lakh crore.

◐ The 5G spectrum is not up for auction.

The government put up a spectrum worth Rs 5.6 lakh crore for sale in 2016 and got bids worth nearly Rs 66,000 crore.

◐ There were no takers for the 700 MHz and 900 MHz in the last auctions held in 2016, CNBC-TV18 reported.

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