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Nutritionist Lists Top 3 Reasons Why Your Fitness Resolutions Are Fated To Fail

Nutritionist Lists Top 3 Reasons Why Your Fitness Resolutions Are Fated To Fail New Year Resolutions may not work because of you...

Nutritionist Lists Top 3 Reasons Why Your Fitness Resolutions Are Fated To Fail

New Year Resolutions may not work because of your lack of planning

Plan your lifestyle regime for the new year wisely
Give time to your body to adapt to the new changes
Do not seek instant gratification
We are in the fourth day of 2021 and if you already feel behind on your New Year Resolution, then you’re not alone. There are several reasons why taking up resolutions doesn’t work, and largely, it may not even be your fault. In one of her latest IGTVs, nutritionist Pooja Makhija specifically talks about fitness resolutions, and why they are fated to fail. In the video, she talks about how the plan to make the resolution to get fitter and healthier begin somewhere around November or December. These resolutions may begin to fade as we reach June or July, and sometimes even earlier in February or March.

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