Andhra Horror: Mother Danced Near Daughters' Bodies, Claimed Coronavirus Originated From Her The mother of the two girls who...
The mother of the two girls who were killed as part of an occult ritual in Andhra Pradesh's Madanapalli was found to be in a trance when police arrived their home on Sunday night. While the father, V Purushottam Naidu, came out of the trance, the mother continued to dance and shout around the bodies, police said.
According to a report in the Times of India, Padmaja, the girls' mother on Sunday, shouted that the novel coronavirus had not originated in China but was instead created by gods to get rid of the "bad elements" of kalyuga. When she was asked to get an RT-PCR test, she said ,"Corona did not come from came from Shiva. I am Shiva and corona will be gone by March," quoted Indian Express.
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